Wow so long since my last post. Life just took over as it does. A lot of my time was taken up with my mother who went into hospital then into a nursing home - she passed away recently which was a blessing for her. So much time involved in sorting and cleaning her house (it was sold quickly which meant we had to get into gear quickly). Everything is done now and mum is at rest; and my brothers and sisters and I are getting back into our old routines.
I did manage to do a little sewing through this time - all secret sewing for Cheryll's Secret Santa Swap. I know my partner Illene has received the parcel and I have received hers!! Now to wait until Christmas day to open them - all very exciting!!!
I thought I would show you some of my garden, although the spring flush has gone it has been nice to be able to spend some time in it recently. My chooks live at the end of one of the pathways in the above picture!
Hardy but set a nice scene.
hmm.... my 'nice' friend Kerrie said she didn't take any photos of me!! Now you know who it is behind the Crafty Diva name!!
Lots of green - it is a picture during the spring when everything is in flower.
My rose garden - a blaze of beautiful colour a month ago. The hot weather has come and gone and come and gone - having it's effect on everyone's gardens here.
Thank goodness I have a ride on!!
That is all for a peek at my garden. Hopefully next post I will have some crafting photos!!